Easy Indoor Craft & Activities for Kids

With the resent events, schools having to close and families self-isolating I thought I would share a post filled with indoor craft and activities for kids. These are all simple, easy and cheap activities for kids to do whilst staying inside.

Fork Chick Painting 

This is an easy and fun craft idea for kids. They can make lovely textured chick pictures that can also be turned into Easter cards. 

What you need – 

  • Yellow paint
  • A fork
  • Googly eyes
  • Glue
  • Coloured paper paper
  • Felt tips
  1. Cut an egg shape out of coloured paper and stick on to your white paper. You can either stick your egg on whole or cut in half with zig zags and stick on.
  2. Set out the yellow paint and let the children dip the forks in the paint and use it to paint their chick on the paper.
  3. Use the glue and stick on the googly eyes and beak to the chick
  4. Use the felt tips to add on grass or background.
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Den Making 

Den Making is another great indoor activity for kids. What child doesn’t love a good den and they feel a great sense of pride once they have created it. Whether you go all out to create a masterpiece of a den or just throw a spare cover over a couple of chairs, den making will keep them entertained. More often than not once built, it will keep kids occupied for hours as they will happily sit inside and play. 

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Paper Dolls 

These paper dolls are brilliant and can keep the kids entertained for a while. Not only does making the dolls keep them occupied but they can then use their dolls to make a puppet show or just to play with afterwards.

What you will need – 

  1. There really is only one step to this activity and that is take the felt tips and draw on the paper doll. Let your children be as creative as they want. To add to the activity you can get the glue and let them stick on googly eyes, string, buttons or whatever else you have.
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Children’s Yoga

Yoga is a great indoor activity for kids, It will keep them active and can help channel some of their energy. There are lots of great videos on YouTube my girls enjoy Cosmic Kids Yoga.

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Cork caterpillar painting 

This is a great activity for kids and gives parents an excuse to open that bottle of wine for the cork. 

What you need – 

  • Paint
  • A cork
  • Paper
  • Felt tip pens
  1. Dip the cork in the paint
  2. Then dab the cork on to the paper one next to the other to make a caterpillar shape
  3. Use the felt tip pens to make a background and draw on the caterpillar’s face once dry

Crazy Dancing

Crazy Dancing can be a really fun indoor activity for kids and can burn off a lot of energy. You can do this from just playing some music and all dancing away or put up a Youtube video and copy the dancing. I guarantee if everyone gets involved including parents then you will be happy and laughing together in minutes. Not to mention everyone will be worn out afterwards allowing for some chill time.

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Paper Fairy Gardens

These are cute little crafts to keep the kids busy and inspire their creative side. You can really use anything that you have available to make your paper fairy garden. 

What you need – 

  • Green paper
  • Glue
  • Toilet Roll
  • Paint
  • Felt Tips
  • Paper cake case
  • Extras – buttons, sequins, lolly sticks, pipe cleaners and anything else you want to add.

Step 1. Decorate your toilet roll 

Step 2. Add the paper cup cake case to the top of your toilet roll

Step 3. Lay out your green paper add on your toilet roll house and then add and decorate the paper however you want. 

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Children’s Workouts

If you are looking for a way to keep children active whilst staying in doors then why not get them doing a children’s HITT workout. This will wear them out without having to go out the house. Youtube has children’s workout videos and fitness expert The Body Coach has a collection of children’s workout videos. 

Rainbow Finger Painting

This is a super easy craft and great for kids of all ages. Kids can use their fingers to create a lovely rainbow which you can then add bits to like a post of gold.

What you need – 

  • Paint in rainbow colours
  • White or blue Paper
  • Extra – scissors and black paper

Step 1 – let the children dip their fingers in the paint and dap them on the paper to make a rainbow

Step 2 – add in any background you like

Step 3 – you can then cut up a pot using black paper and stick this at the bottom of the rainbow to make a bot of gold.

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Salt Dough Creations 

Salt dough is brilliant activity for kids it is so simple and easy to make and you can use it to create so many things. 

 What you will need – 

  • Plain flour
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Acrylic paint (this paint is best to use but if you don’t have any just use whatever paint you have.
  • Extra  – Cookie Cutters, Mod Podge

Step 1 – Make your Salt dough by mixing one cup of plain flour with half a cup of salt and half a cup of water. Mix together until this becomes a dough then take out and knead. Try not to knead too much as I found the salt made my hands a little sore afterwards due to the salt. 

Step 2 – Get creating! You can use cookie cutters to make shapes or go freestyle to make whatever you like. If you want to stick bits of dough together i.e some eyes you made, then dab a little bit of water over the area before putting the extra salt dough on this will help them stick together better.

Step 3 – leave overnight to dry or put in the oven on a very low heat for 1-2 hours

Step 4 – Once dry use the paint to decorate your creations.

Step 5 – You can use Mod Podge once dry to seal your salt dough creations

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Hama Beads

Hama beads are a perfect rainy day indoor craft for both kids and adults. I enjoy crafting with them just as much as they do and we can all enjoy hours of creating our masterpieces. You can use Hama beads to make fridge magnets, key rings, earrings and even bowls. For more info check out my blog on Hama Beads.

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Amos Glass Deco Pens

Amos Glass deco pens are filled with liquid gel that you squeeze out onto a plastic sheet in the design that you want and once dried you can peel them off and use as decorative window stickers, which can be peeled off without any mess. 

They are easy to use, you just need to make sure that you don’t smudge them before they are dried. For more information on these check out my post on Amos Glass Deco Pens.

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 Sketching can be a fun activity for everyone to join in with. I am no artist but there is something calming and peaceful about drawing. A good way for everyone to join in is to all pick the same thing to draw. Or you can use a how to draw guide and see how everyone’s drawings turns out. The best thing about drawing the same thing is that you will all learn together and can help each other along the way. Youtube has some good videos with step by step drawing guides.

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Lolly Stick Super Men/Women

These are super cute little craft ideas and your kids can use them to play with after they have made them

What you will need – 

  • A lolly stick
  • Coloured and white paper
  • Glue
  • Felt tip

Step 1 – Cut a triangle shape out of the paper and stick on the back of the lolly stick.

Step 2 – cut a small rectangle of the same coloured paper to go across the front of the lolly stick as an eye mask.

Step 3 – either draw on your eyes or cut and stick some small white circles on top of the eye mask.

Step 4 – use your felt tips to make the face and hair

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This is a lovely indoor activity for kids and once they have made their boats they can play with them whilst having a bath if not able to get outside.

What you will need – 

  •  A plastic take away tub
  • A straw 
  • Felt pen or sharpie
  • Sello tape
  • Paper

Step 1 – make sure your tub and straw are washed out and clean 

Step 2 – use the paper to make a flag and then sellotape this to the top of the straw

Step 3 – attach the straw to the inside of the boat using the sellotape

Step 4 – with the pens draw on the boat or use the paper to make and stick things on to the boat.

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DragonFly lolly stick craft

These are a fun and easy indoor craft for kids.

What you will need – 

  • Lolly stick
  • Felt tip pen
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Sellotape

Step 1 – decorate your lolly stick

Step 2 – Get 2 pipe cleaners and make them into 8 shapes then stick to the back of the lolly sticks.

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Make a Doctors Surgery with Toys

If you have any spare bandages or plasters around let your kids make a pretend doctors surgery and use the toys or you as their patients.

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If you enjoyed reading my post why not take a look at my other post –

How to make a pompom rug

Window Sticker Activity for Children

Children’s Halloween Craft Ideas

Rainy Day Children’s Crafts and Activities

Children’s Christmas Decoration Craft Ideas