The Pointless Book by Alfie Deyes in association with Books2door

Books2door Review

We were so lucky to be able to use and review Books2door amazing online bookstore that has so many wonderful children and young adult books at great prices. 

Books2door’s website is easy to use, has a wide range of children’s and young adult books that are arranged into helpful categories so you can find age appropriate books with ease. 

I have used their website and receive books from them before and both times their customer service has been brilliant, both times I was kept up to date on my order and received notifications from them until it was delivered. 

The Pointless Book 1 & 2 Review

From Books2door we received The Pointless Book 1 & 2 by Alfie Deyes which are just brilliant. Alfie Dyers is a Youtuber over at the Pointlessblog and he has created this fun book for children. These books are just great for keeping the children entertained although they are more for older children than younger ones. There is just so much to do in them, every page is a different activity to do or try out and there are a few silly pages in there too.

My 9 year old and 12 year old are really enjoying them and have spent ages going through the pages and filling them in or following what they say to make something. The Pointless Books honestly contain hours of fun and activities to keep your children busy. 

One of the pages which my daughter loved in The Pointless Book 2 was where you had to season the page with salt and pepper. She thought it was so funny that she could glue salt and pepper in a book. Although if you do this ensure to shake off the excess salt afterwards when it dries. I didn’t do this and she then took it to bed and ended up with bits of salt in her bed.

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Some of the activities for The Pointless Book 1 include – 

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Some of the activities from The Pointless Book 2 include –  

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All round these are great books and will encourage your children to be creative and think outside the box. My girls have given these books a huge thumbs up and are keeping busy filling them in. There is also a free app that you can download that goes with the book with exclusive digital content. 

The Pointless Book collection is currently £9.99 on Books2door which contains both books.

I was gifted these books from Book2door to review their books and service.

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