I set myself the new years resolution to be more organised and productive this year as with children, work and trying to build a small business on top I found myself running around like a headless chicken forgetting important things and trying to do everything at once, that is where the ultimate diary planner comes in.
There is just so much to remember!
I decided that to be more organised I needed to plan, so before Christmas, I went on a search for a diary/planner that would have everything I needed.
I love stationary and have loads of notebooks, diaries and address books so I wanted to find something to combine all of these. I searched and looked through a few different types of planners and diaries until I came across ‘The Ultimate Diary Planner’ by ladies that plan and it had everything I needed.
This post contains affiliated links to products where if bought I will receive a small fee.
The Ultimate Diary Planner
I needed a planner to cover my family life, my work life and also to help me plan and be more productive with my blog and this diary had it all. There is a month and week planner, daily diary, goal setting, progress tracking, turnover, note space, important dates and important people section and my favourite part of the planner daily to-do list space.
I love a to do list!
Well Worth the Money
The cost of this planner is £24 and when I bought it I was sceptical that I had just wasted money on a planner when I could have just got a cheap diary and a notebook instead but I have been amazed by how much it has helped me.
I have now been using my ultimate diary planner for a few weeks and I can honestly say it was the best investment I made. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with a long list of things to do running around in my head, I find that just taking a bit of time to get those down into my planner that I am a lot more chilled and get so much more done.
Being More Productive
Before the month starts I will write on my monthly planner a list of things that I want to achieve that month then slowly put them into my daily to-do-list so they get done.
The biggest improvement I have seen is it has helped my blog be more productive, rather than me panicking with all the things I need to do and the deadlines I need to meet, having everything written and planned out means I have a step-by-step plan to getting it all done.
They Come with Pretty Colour Designs
The planners come in fun, colourful designs both on the cover and throughout the planner, with colourful pictures and uplifting quotes. It is ring-bound so you can turn the pages with ease and it is not too big considering it has so much in it. Even when it is delivered it is beautifully packaged.
For anyone with a busy life or who is running their own business alongside looking after a busy family then I highly recommend getting yourself the ‘Ultimate Diary Planner’.
* Edit – 12 Months On
12 Months on and I bought myself a new Ultimate diary planner 2020 and use it daily for every aspect of my busy life and still love it just as much. I will be ordering the ultimate diary planner again for 2021.
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- Hetty the Hedgehog and the Animal Snatchers
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- Children’s Short Story – Stay Away From the Woods
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