An Autumn Poem

An Autumn Poem

Autumn Poem
An Autumn Poem

This is an Autumn Poem from my first ever poetry book Poetry to Inspire and Uplift.

Beauty Autumn Will Send

Summer has come to its end,
But its beauty autumn will send.

The leaves begin to fall from the trees,
In the cooling autumn breeze,
Leaves of red, yellow, orange and brown,
Fall and dance to the ground.

Summer has come to its end,
But its beauty autumn will send.

The pumpkins are growing in the field,
The blackberries are giving a good yield,
Children preparing for their Halloween fun,
As we start to see in the early setting sun.

Summer has come to its end,
But its beauty autumn will send.

The squirrels going to and fro,
Gathering nuts as they go,
The hedgehogs get ready for their slumber
As the birds start to migrate in their number.

Summer has come to its end,
But its beauty autumn will send

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